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Music is a big part of why I love videography. 

Musicians have a gift of connecting to people through music. There’s something about that that inspires me to create, so when I’m not editing videos, I’m usually working on a playlist. 

Sharing music is my love language. Before Spotify playlists were a thing, I was that friend who was always giving people burned CDs. In a similar way, here’s my way of sharing my CD collection with you. I hope these songs inspire you to make a beautiful meal, go for a night drive, or to finish your latest passion project.


holding a boombox outside your window

Do you ever hear a song that you’ve never heard before, and you find yourself subconsciously reaching to turn up the volume and start the song over from the beginning so that you can really listen? I find myself doing that quite a bit, so I decided to give those songs a home. This playlist, which I’ve been updating periodically for over 5 years, is my collection of those really good songs. If I walked up to a stranger on the subway and shared an earbud, or if I put a boombox on my shoulder and pressed play, these songs are what you'd hear. Here’s hoping these beautiful songs find a way into your morning commutes, grocery runs, late night drives and everything in between. 

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making things

A collection of mellow/synth pop/acoustic tunes sprinkled with some southern rock,

these songs deserve to be the soundtrack to your next creative endeavor. 

songs so beautiful they’ll break your heart

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Only some of the most beautiful and honest songs, worth listening to with your good headphones while drinking a really good cup of coffee.